For Faculty members at Williams, the honorary title of Emeritus is normally bestowed upon retirement and after an affirmative vote by our Board of Trustees.
Our Faculty Handbook specifically notes the following:
- Retired faculty are issued ID cards providing access to the library and cultural and sporting events on campus.
- Retired faculty may attend faculty meetings where they may speak but not vote.
- Retired faculty are eligible for temporary academic appointments to assist departments or programs in special circumstances. Such appointments are made upon department recommendation and require the approval of the Committee on Appointments and Promotions.
- Retired faculty continue to receive College publications and may participate in Convocation and Commencement ceremonies. They may also continue their membership in the Faculty Club and remain eligible to participate in the College tuition grant program.
Access to Equipment and Administrative Assistance
While we celebrate and value the contributions our emeritus faculty make to the college, upon retirement, emeritus faculty are technically no longer employees. Typically, if a faculty member no longer holds an office in a building, they no longer have automatic access to the building, equipment or admin support. Under extraordinary circumstances, arrangements can be made, but that level of access cannot be relied upon.
Regarding Office Space
Given the demands of housing our regular, full-time, and visiting faculty, campus office space cannot be promised to faculty members after retirement. However, in the past three years our Dean of Faculty and the Director of our Science Center have invited emeritus faculty members to submit proposals for year-long office assignments. After all the necessary assignments are made for our active faculty members on campus, the Dean of Faculty and the Director of our Science Center have evaluated any remaining office space and offered one-year office assignments to our retired faculty members who wish to remain on campus and actively conduct research.
Below are resources to aid you as you navigate your life as an emeritus faculty member at Williams and beyond. This list is not at all meant to be exhaustive. Be sure to return for site updates!