From idea to draft to final product; from laboratory to stage to archive to field; from the past, into the present, and toward the future; creative and scholarly work is highly regarded and well supported at Williams.
Williams offers many opportunities for faculty to share their scholarship and creative work. These range from more formal presentations during the annual Faculty Lecture Series, previous initiatives such as Williams Thinking and TEDx Williams, to more informal colloquia offered by some departments and programs or the Science Lunches.
The College also provides a wide range of External and Internal Funding opportunities in support of our work, and participates in broader initiatives, as well.
More Resources
- Writing/Creative Endeavors Roundtables
- Manuscript Review Program
- Oakley Discussion Groups
- Support for Faculty Writers
- Professional Development and Mentoring
- Publishing Day
- Faculty Publication Listings (maintained by The Libraries and OIT)
- Faculty Experts (maintained by the Office of Communications)
- Funding and Support